Call 419-485-3141 for appointments at our Bryan and Montpelier locations or if you have any questions on service fees.

Environmental Public Health Fees
Environmental Public Health fees include food operations, campgrounds, public swimming pools and spas, body art establishments, private water systems, water samples, sewage treatment systems and gray water recycling systems, and property or loan evaluations. Click here to view the Proposed 2025 Environmental Health Local Fees.
Clinic Services Fees
Vaccines are billed to the person’s health insurance. We also have vaccines available for those without health insurance. We do not turn anyone away due to inability to pay for vaccines. For questions about vaccine cost, give us a call.

Vital Statistics Fees
Williams County Health Department can issue birth certificates to anyone born in the state of Ohio. You can make a request by phone, mail, online, or in person at our office. Home births are also registered by the Health Department. Click the button below to learn more.